Píše se rok 2012, česká scéna s DOOH je v plném rozkvětu, nové plochy, nové formáty. I dnes se ale objevují nepříjemnosti v podobě nefukčních obrazovek, špatné kvality spotů nebo chybného vysílání. Nevěšme hlavu, nejsme v tom sami. I taková digitální velmoc jako je Anglie má své digitální faux pas:

If this were an isolated incident we could maybe forgive it but UK outdoor business PrimeSight really need to re-think their technology infrastructure and perhaps more importantly their technology people…

One of our regular ‘stringers’ (so we know this is real) was driving home Wednesday evening in London, around 17:30 and saw the PrimeSight digital billboard at Vauxhall Cross.

Someone had logged in via LogMeIn, and for the 10 minutes that our stringer was stuck in traffic the ‘tech’ staff were (obviously) busily fixing a problem with their software.

Folder structures including clients’ media files were checked as well as the configuration files for the signage itself AND all this was done in glorious view of everyone looking up at the screen!

zdroj: www.dailydooh.com